Site relaunch!
Hello folks, you may have noticed we’ve been a bit quiet the past month or so – in addition to Christmas we’ve been planning a relaunch of the site and part of that includes changing our focus a little bit. Rather than a repository for reviews, we want to give the site a real magazine feel, with a variety of different articles, including interviews, think-pieces, travel guides and coverage of various things that are a bit escape room-ish but “not an escape room”. There will also be guest contributors and an agony uncle column because why not.
Obviously the reviews are not going away, we want to keep doing them, and given the name and the URL of the site, we don’t really have an option about that anyway.
We will also be updating on a more regular schedule, three times a week – usually at lunch times on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so you know when to check for new content. Because RSS never quite revolutionised the internet the way it was meant to.
In the meantime, if there’s anything specific you’d like to see us cover, or things you’d like us to be writing about, then do let us know in the comments below!
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