
Published on February 23rd, 2017 | by Dean Love


Clockwork Dog Loop The Loop

Exciting news from London as Clockwork, those of Langstroth’s Last Riddle, return for another limited run game. Between March and June they’ll be running Loop at a venue in Dalston. Their last creation was very closely tied to the previous use of a space (recreating a boutique shop inside a boutique shop) whereas this appears to be a science fiction game set inside a former nail salon, and so looks to be a far more transformative design.

Here’s what they have to say:

A mindblowing sci-fi adventure game for 3-5 players.

An hour long scientific experiment that will alter your perception of reality. And we’re not talking VR here…

Yuri Gagarin, Nikola Tesla, Alan Turing — all pioneers who entered an unknown world using the latest technology. Now it’s your chance to join them. Welcome to the world of Frontier Engineering — a private research company exploring the very fringes of scientific understanding.

They are seeking brave men & women to undertake a one hour trial of a new experimental technology. Be prepared, subjects must be capable of lateral thinking, problem solving, and enduring the most difficult scientific paradoxes. They will be faced with concepts that push beyond the limits of human understanding… so bring your thinking cap.

This experiment only runs for a limited time, so book your slot soon to secure your place in history. Get ready to enter the unknown.


I’ll be frank: were it not for their track record I’d regard that as a load of old bollocks that ultimately meant “a normal escape room but with some shiny surfaces and test tubes” but in this case I’d expect it to far closer to the truth than most blurbs.

Tickets are a flat £30 per player and available evenings and weekends from 18 March (closed Mondays) – you can book at their website. We hope to have a review up shortly before launch but with their reputation it’s probably one you can afford to take a chance on…

About the Author

Dean is a professional writer who has worked for The Mail On Sunday, The Digital Fix, MicroMart and others.

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