Time Run: Celestial Chain – tickets now available
We mentioned that Time Run were opening a new room and now you can buy tickets for it! Previews start on 18 November, with the first “real” games operating on 24 November. The booking pages give away a few more secrets. Firstly it appears that they’re closing one copy of their original room in order to fit this one in, and games seem to start at 15 minute intervals, which perhaps suggests we’ll be venturing through six different 10 minute rooms (allowing staff five minutes to reset each bit).
It looks pretty ambitious from a logistical perspective but Time Run do have form in this area, the previous game taking part over three 20-ish minute sub-rooms. Still wouldn’t fancy being their stage manager though!
In other speculation there’s a trailer up here:
It looks like we’ll be attemting to chain back up a rogue goddess lest she destroy the world. Which is interesting – usually the people trying to chain up women are the bad guys in any given story! The first Time Run game was steeped in mythology, with the Lance of Longinus being a reference to Christian myth. The only chained goddess that comes to mind is Andromeda from Greek mythology, who was freed by Perseus. So maybe we’ll be attempting to stop that. Or maybe we were the baddies all along and Luna and Babbage are evil. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into this. Probably the latter.
Hopefully we’ll be playing this before the end of the year and will have a review, but honestly if you’re going to take a chance on one new game without waiting for feedback, it’s going to be this one.